31 Days 31 Poses Challenge
During the month of May, I participated in a daily challenge on Instagram started by animator Courtney Oberbeck (@court_oberbeck) where artists were encouraged to post one pose study a day. The challenge fostered a strong sense of community and support among participants, and it was exciting to see everyone's amazing work.
For me, I am all about character and emotion. Facial animation is my favorite thing to do! I loved finding poses with strong facial expressions. I also loved infusing a little bit of personality and emotion into all of my poses.
I used the challenge to not only help improve my study of anatomy and body mechanics, but to also dabble in aspects like lighting and rendering. Every pose was individually textured, lit, and rendered by myself.
Overall, the challenge was a great learning experience in many aspects, as well as a great way to connect to other artists!
Find me on Instagram: @alyce_animates

Resources Used
Amy Rig by Gabriel Salas
Dana Rig by Gabriel Salas
David Rig by Gabriel Salas
Sam Rig by Gabriel Salas
Bonnie Rig by Josh Sobel
Ruby Rig by Amine Kefi
Cartoon Girl Rig by Cartoon Factory
Waitress Rig by Santiago Calle
Amanda Rig by Artem Dubina
Body Mechanics Rigs by Joe Daniels
Mery Rig by The Mery Project
Malcom Rig by AnimSchool
Reference Images
Line of Action
Google images
Fred character designs by Jin Kim